Mapping the HTTP Response Code

 Mapping the HTTP Response Code

The status codes of the HTTP response are one of the most important parts of the REST service, and the subject can quickly become very complicated. Getting these right can be what makes or breaks the service.

Unmapped Requests

If Spring MVC receives a request which doesn’t have a mapping, it considers the request not to be allowed and returns a 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED back to the client.

It’s also a good practice to include the Allow HTTP header when returning a 405 to the client, to specify which operations are allowed. This is the standard behaviour of Spring MVC and doesn’t require any additional configuration.

Valid Mapped Requests

For any request that does have a mapping, Spring MVC considers the request valid and responds with 200 OK if no other status code is specified otherwise.

It’s because of this that the controller declares different @ResponseStatus for the create, update and delete actions but not for get, which should indeed return the default 200 OK.

Client Error

In the case of a client error, custom exceptions are defined and mapped to the appropriate error codes.

Simply throwing these exceptions from any of the layers of the web tier will ensure Spring maps the corresponding status code on the HTTP response: 

    public class BadRequestException extends RuntimeException {


    public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {


These exceptions are part of the REST API and, as such, should only be used in the appropriate layers corresponding to REST; if for instance, a DAO/DAL layer exists, it should not use the exceptions directly.

Note also that these are not checked exceptions but runtime exceptions – in line with Spring practices and idioms. 

Using @ExceptionHandler

Another option to map custom exceptions on specific status codes is to use the @ExceptionHandler annotation in the controller. The problem with that approach is that the annotation only applies to the controller in which it’s defined. This means that we need to declares in each controller individually.

Of course, there are more ways to handle errors in both Spring and Spring Boot that offer more flexibility.

Additional Maven Dependencies 

In addition to the spring-webmvc dependency required for the standard web application, we’ll need to set up content marshalling and unmarshalling for the REST API:



These are the libraries used to convert the representation of the REST resource to either JSON or XML. 

Using Spring Boot

If we want to retrieve JSON-formatted resources, Spring Boot provides support for different libraries, namely Jackson, Gson and JSON-B.

Auto-configuration is carried out by just including any of the mapping libraries in the classpath.

Usually, if we’re developing a web application, we’ll just add the spring-boot-starter-web dependency and rely on it to include all the necessary artifacts to our project:



Spring Boot uses Jackson by default.

If we want to serialize our resources in an XML format, we’ll have to add the Jackson XML extension (jackson-dataformat-xml) to our dependencies, or fallback to the JAXB implementation (provided by default in the JDK) by using the @XmlRootElement annotation on our resource. 

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