Bootstrap a Web Application with Spring

 Spring Boot 

1: Bootstrap a Web Application with Spring 5

The chapter illustrates how to Bootstrap a Web Application with Spring. We’ll look into the Spring Boot solution for bootstrapping the application and also see a non-Spring Boot approach.

We’ll primarily use Java configuration, but also have a look at their equivalent XML configuration.

Maven Dependency

First, we’ll need the spring-boot-starter-web dependency:



This starter includes:

  • spring-web and the spring-webmvc module that we need for our Spring web application

  • a Tomcat starter so that we can run our web application directly without explicitly installing any server 

  1. Creating a Spring Boot Application 

  1. The most straight-forward way to get started using Spring Boot is to create a main class and annotate it with @SpringBootApplication

public class SpringBootRestApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

} } 

This single annotation is equivalent to using @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan

By default, it will scan all the components in the same package or below.

Next, for Java-based configuration of Spring beans, we need to create a config class and annotate it with @Configuration annotation:


public class WebConfig {


This annotation is the main artifact used by the Java-based Spring configuration; it is itself meta-annotated with @Component, which makes the annotated classes standard beans and as such, also candidates for component-scanning.

The main purpose of @Configuration classes is to be sources of bean definitions for the Spring IoC Container.

Let’s also have a look at a solution using the core spring-webmvc library.



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